Use the form below to submit or update your Collingwood BIA business directory profile. Updates will be made in 2-3 business days.
*Email Address:
*Name of Business:
*Year Started:
Facebook (business page):
Business Profile (max 200 words / 1,500 characters):
List up to 10 primary products or services offered, one per line:
max 40 words / 250 characters
Better Business Bureau (BBB) member?
List any other business / professional associations you belong to, one per line:
Upload a high-resolution version of your logo:
jpg|png|bmp|pdf|eps|ill formats, max 5MB
Upload a high-resolution photo of your business (e.g. exterior):
jpg|png|bmp|pdf formats, max 5MB
Upload a high-resolution photo of your business (e.g. interior):
Upload a high-resolution photo of your business (e.g. additional):
What is “Cool in Collingwood?”
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